Yes! The extra money mother sewed into out clothes!
In a train to Birkenau Concentration Camp
Chapter 8 was very important because it shows how everything changed. Chapter 8 also shows how Jews got taken away from their homes and families. Why I think it's important is because it shows how Yanek and his family were taken away and it shows how they were taken away.
Chapter 10: Yanek was sent into a camp and was assigned a new job at Krakow, Poland. Thanks to his uncle he was able to get this job. Yanek's job was to clean up the old ghetto and give the Nazis any valuables they found. While working one day Yanek was assigned to clean up his old apartment. While he was cleaning up he went to their old coop and found some extra money his mother has sewed into their clothes so no one can find it. He found over 3,000 zloty which was a lot for a prisoner. It didn't only make him rich but it would help him survive more.
Chapter 15: While working in the salt mine Yanek and some people that worked with him were ordered to stop working. The guards told the workers to go marching into a train, which was loaded with many people and were all squished. They have spent 3 days on the train with no food, no water, no air, and no restrooms. This shows how badly people were treated. On the train, it stinks madly because people were throwing up and a lot of people stinked. Then Yanek found out that they were not going to another work camp, they were going to a death camp...