Eurydice went walking while Orpheus was sleeping, she then encounters a serpent that bits and killed her.
Falling Action
Orpheus embarked on a journey to the lair of Hades in an attempt to get Eurydice back.
Orpheus has arrived at the lair of Hades and encounters Cerberus; playing his lyre Orpheus clams down Cerberus; Continuing down the oily cave to Hades lair with spirits of the dead following him.
Orpheus arrived at Hades's lair and begins playing his lyre; Hades amazed by Orpheus skills Hades grants Eurydice with life again; But there is a catch if Orpheus turns around before the light shines on him Eurydice will fade away into black dust; But alas Orpheus turns around before the light shined on him.
For the rest of Orpheus's life, he dedicates his life to make his music better; he did it by filling it with emotions from the death of his wife; Some says when Orpheus died he and Eurydice where they reunited in the afterlife.