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Second part WHG comic Lucciano

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Second part WHG comic Lucciano
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  • British realized that their army, compared to the mighty flight, was not prepared for modern war. Great Britain began to hastily rearm, to look for allies, and made an ally with Italy, in exchange they would give them part of Austrian territory and other benefits, but of course, only if they had the victory.
  • Come on! There is no time to waste !
  • YESIR!
  • For Russia, in the XIX century, it was very ambiguous, in 25 years, they had doubled the economy, but they were completely unprepared to produce military products, in short words, they weren't prepared for war, comparing to all the other leading powers,in the last 20 years they had doubled there military defense, and Russia wasn't even in the 20% of it. Russia didn't have political problems, that is why they did not focus on military products.
  • What is the problem sir? We have a very good economy that has never been better in 20 years.
  • Yes sir but, the military is not great, the other countries have the double of soldiers than us!
  • Since the Austrian Archduke was killed, and the Serbians didnt accept the ultimatum of Austria-Hungarians, they declared them war on 28 of July.
  • Germany is trying to defeat France, and then attack Russia, but they were not planning to go directly to the fortifications of France, they would go threw the neutral Belgium, with considerable ressistance. They werent aware of the Great Britain and the Belgium civilians ressisting after them.
  • Tell the troop we will go thew Belgiium, and then attack France
  • YESIR!
  • Last the Great Britain attacked them to defense for france, the offense made by Great Britain and France succed, Russia finds out and start attacking the border between them and Germany, then the battle at Gumbinnen, making the russians the winners.
  • DIE!!
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