Bio: "Marius was born about 157 near Arpinum, southeast of Rome" (Boatwright). He was a very competent soldier, a guy of character, and a diligent worker. He focused all of his efforts on fighting. He had an ordinary private life and was not driven by passion or wealth; his only desire was glory.
BIO: In Spain, Marius had demonstrated his aptitude for guerilla warfare in Spain. Quintus Metellus made him his second in command when he went out against Jugurtha in 109 because of this and the family's prior bond.
Family Life: His family had equestrian status, but was otherwise only prominent locally.
political life: After that, he was unable to succeed as an aedile and barely managed to be elected as praetor in 115. His chances of advancing politically were slim to none; accumulating the required riches and powerful connections would take significant effort.
Political Life: "Marius attempted to stand for office at Rome, and then only with the backing of a leading noble family, the Metelli. With this help he gained the quaestorship sometime in the late 120s, followed by the tribunate in 119" (Boatwright).
impacts: "Marius was appropriately hailed as Rome’s savior and offered two triumphs.provided inexperienced men with fast, effective training to meet the threatened invasion of Italy from the north" (Boatwright)
Accomplishments: He proposed the foundation of colonies and allocation of land in Greece and Sicily for veterans of campaigns which had recently ended there, as well as allocation of land in Cisalpine Gaul for Roman civilians. Such sweeping initiatives, if approved, were sure to make him a highly influential figure