Creon is king and the focus of conflict in the play. He would fall under the role of ruler.
I have to bury Polyneices, that much was deserved.
Teiresias lets Lauis know this his son in time will eventually make an attempt on his life. He would then be the sage.
You buried Polyneices didn't you?
Absolutely not, what makes you think that?
Ismene wanted nothing to do with the burial of Polyneices, offering no help to Antigone whatsoever. This would make her the bystander, having no direct influence.
She must suffer the consequences.
There must be some other way!
Antigone wishes to bury her brother, going against the will of the king. This makes her the hero.
The sentry uses his wits to outplay the king in a game of words. This would then make the sentry the trickster.
Haemon was hoping to marry Antigone, therefor making him the love interest. This however comes with conflict given the course of Antigone's actions.