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  • The Tale of Beowulf
  • I am the strongest
  • The Coming of Beowulf
  • The Battle with Grendel
  • Prepare to die foul beast
  • This is the story of Beowulf a man so strong he could fight against even the most ruthless of monsters with his bare hands. A man who fought for all the glory that he could possibly have. A man so unafraid he fought many different beasts and monsters all by himself and always came out on top.
  • The Battle with Grendel's Mother
  • This battle ends now
  • Beowulf hears mention of a foul monster who in the dark of night feasts on men and women alike, Beowulf resolves to go and help these people and rid them of this horrible nightmare. So Beowulf sets off with 14 of his best men to a land faraway, in search of even more glory by killing this beast.
  • The Final Battle
  • Beowulf steels himself for the fight with Grendel, once the fight starts Beowulf has Grendel on the ropes and doesn't let up for a second. Grendel sees he is outmatched and makes for a hasty retreat, but Beowulf won't let him get away. Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and with that Grendel disappears into the night knowing he won't last much longer, Beowulf lets's him go.
  • The Farewell
  • Goodbye my king, thank you for everything
  • After Grendel's death, his mother want's revenge against Beowulf. So once again Beowulf sets out to finish what he had started, to once and for all end it. The fight is fierce but thank's to the armor Beowulf is wearing he is well protected against attacks from Grendel's mother. The fight ends with Beowulf cutting off Grendel's mother's head with a sword so massive that no man could lift.
  • You killed my son, I'll have your head
  • Beowulf has become king and has ruled for 50 years in peace, when a dragon attacks and threatens that peace. Beowulf once more is thrust into battle but he fights alone once more. The fight drags on for a while and Beowulf loses his shield to the dragons flames, but Beowulf is resolved to protect his kingdom, after a long struggle Beowulf manages to defeat the dragon, but not before he receives a mortal wound.
  • I fear this will be my final battle, but I won't give up yet
  • The wound Beowulf receives while fighting the dragon is to much even for him and he perishes shortly after the fight. His men and everyone else in his kingdom see him off in a blaze of glory, on a burning ship pushed out to sea. Beowulf left behind tales of his great legacy.
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