In the first picture we have Prometheus seeing the people shiver and being tired and weak by the new power change and this makes him unhappy. In the second picture their is Prometheus asking Jupiter for man to have fire but Zeus it greedy for he does not want man to have fire since it could affect his power. In the third picture Pandora is being created and people give here traits but the most important of them all is curiosity. In the fourth picture Pandora's curiosity gets the best of here and she opens it up and thousands of creatures come out but she did close it in time for the worst of knowing you were going to suffer.
Storyboard Text
"Shivering with the cold because there was no fire , dying of starvation and being hunted by beasts."
"Then he went boldly to Jupiter and asked for men to have fire."
"Not a spark will I give."
"Lastly someone gave her curiosity"
And before she could shut it down again out flew ten thousand strange creatures with death like faces and grunt