Ohh come one Diabetes is only for old people im still young
*The waiter taking the order*
Vanessa wait thats a lot of sugar and if you take sugar frequently like that you can provoce yourself Diabetes
Just relax Diabetes cant be so serious
Going out earlier with your friends might be a problem because you always can suffer of a low blood sugar attack and cant reach to sugar fast if you are in night time.
People with diabetes are really stressed out, anxious and the probability of getting low blood sugar attack is really high.
Thats nonsense Vanessa Diabetes is a really serious disease
But Penelope, does it affect my health in long or short terms?
YES IT DOES!!! you can suffer of heart attacks, strokes, eyes, kidneys organs problems. You can died from this bad habits
O my god i didnt think this diabetes thing was so serious so please tell me how can i prevent it or what habits should i stop doing.
And something that helps a lot is taking water as a primary and most drinked beverage
The six packs of suger you take in your coffe must be reduce over two thirds of your coffe and also complete diet
Working out regularly helps a lot beinf fit, taking care of yourself, have a great body and also prevents Diabetes
Yeah dont worry ill tell you everything i know.
THANKS A LOT PENELOPE!!!! I promess ill taake your advices and waiter please bring my coffe with 2 packs of sugar please