Hi! I am Risa Jean Plogio from ED-23A. I will present to you the Evolution of Technology used in classroom.
On 1977, teachers and students starts using computers for more effective and easy access learning.
By the mid 1990s, teachers and students started to accept the use of computer network in which mostly by academics. Later, they realized it has potential, effective, and efficient.
Through the evolution of these technologies in the classroom, we realized how these changes helped on acquiring more knowledge and understanding inside or outside of the classroom. Thus, technologies becomes the helping hand of teachers and students in a more effective and efficient teaching and learning.
Lastly, by the year 2007 up to present, smartphones and tablets were invented which becomes a compelling learning tool used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom, face-to-face or virtually.
Overhead Projectors were widely used in education and business in 1960, before the advent of computer-based projection. It facilitates an easy low-cost interactive environment for educators.
Scantrons used machine imaging technology to read multiple-choice answer sheets filled with no.2 pencils, saving teachers grading time.