Good Morning Doc, I just want to ask why I often feel chest pain and discomfort.
Chest pain (Angina) anddiscomfort is the most common symptom of Coronary heart disease. Angina canhappen when too much plaque builds up inside arteries, causing them to narrow.Because we are not yet sure if you have CAD, we first need to perform varioustypes of tests. Our most recommended is to do an electrocardiogram (ECG) to seeif you really have coronary heart disease.
Okay Doc!
Because of EMMELINE’S strange feelings 21, Filipina, she and her MOTHER,38, Filipina and FATHER,40, Filipino decided to consult a doctor to find out if Emmeline was sick these past few days or not. After their trip, they arrived at the Clinic of DR.SY 39, Filipino/Chinese. - Vince Eduard Maputi
Let's look at the result of your ECG, I can tell you that Emmeline has coronary heart disease and nothing has been discovered that can cure it except for the operation.
- Vince Eduard Maputi
We are willing to pay and do everything to cure our child's illness. Please do everything you can to prolong our child's life.
But, there is no guarantee that the operation will succeed because this disease and her age are very serious. In short, all we can do is make Emmeline be happy because her days are numbered
After a few hours, the result came out and was read to the Doctor. - Vince Eduard Maputi
- Vince Eduard Maputi
- Vince Eduard Maputi
Thank you Doc!
Because of what Emmeline heard about her illness, she couldn't stop her tears from flowing because, by the time she disappeared, her boyfriend Gabriel, 21, Filipino might not be able to cope, so she tried to hide it from him. - Vince Eduard Maputi