The causes of the War of 1812 were trade restrictions made by the British. There was also impressment of US sailors and the ceasing of ships. Finally there was the distructioon of the Chesapeake and the support by Britians to the Indians.
Sea Battles
The trouble that arised between the United States and the Indians were when they got into a battle. Once the battle ended, the US investagated to see what they had, and found that they had British made weapons.
Battle of New Orleans
The land battles relate to when they "conqured" Canada. They were always pushed back by the British. They kept trying, but never succeeded.
Results of the War
The distruction of the Chesapeake was the big uproar of the sea battles. The distruction was by the British to the US. The British invaded the Chesapeake and killed or impressed the sailors aboard.
The Battle of New Orleans occured due to the fact that the war between the French and the British was getting out of hand while lots of things were poised towards the Americans. The Americans decided to finally join in before they got the news that the war had ended. Their first attack was at New Orleans.
Both US and Britain thought they had won. In reality, neither had any victory. The war didn't help anything, it just broke apart a lot of relationships with other territories.