She’s sitting out there on the shingles. I asked her to go into the ladies’ waiting room, but she informed me gravely that she preferred to stay outside. ’There was more scope for imagination, ’ she said. She’s a case, I should say.
Wait- I am not expecting a girl?! It’s supposed to be a boy I’ve come for. He should be here. Mrs. Alexander Spencer was to bring him over from Nova Scotia for me.
Guess there’s some mistake, Mrs. Spencer came off the train with that girl and gave her into my charge. Said you and your sister were adopting her from an orphan asylum and that you would be along for her presently. That’s all I know about it–and I haven’t got any more orphans concealed hereabouts. Anyway you better ask the girl yourself. I need to go. bye
I'm sorry I just don't understand.. But alright bye then *Sighs*
Yeah. I’m sorry I was late, Come along. The horse is over in the yard. Give me your bag.
Oh! It isn’t heavy. I’ve got all my worldly goods in it, but it isn’t heavy!! Oh! I'm so glad you have come for me!
gasps* I suppose you are Matthew Cuthbert! I am very glad to see you. At first I thought you wouldn't be coming for me.I was imagining all the things that might have happened to prevent you.