Okay students, there is a new virus called Covid-19 spreading. This means that we can't continue with in person learning until it is safe to do so.
On December 13, 2019 the Covid-19 virus was first reported in Wuhan, China. The first reported case in the United States was on March 25, 2020. After more confirmed cases in the United States, schools and businesses began to shut down.
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Did you hear that we won't have to come back to school for awhile? It's going to be amazing!
Yeah I heard about that... i'm not sure that this time off will be "amazing" though, this virus seems kind of scary.
Some students were excited by the fact that they will have time off of school, other students were worried about the lack of information they had on the new virus.
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Hey mom, my teacher at school said something about a new virus, and that we won't be able to go back to school for a while. Do you know anything about it?
Oh yeah, I was watching the news earlier and the CDC is advising a quarantine to try and reduce the amount of confirmed cases
The CDC started to implement guidelines to hopefully reduce the amount of Covid-19 cases.
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The virus started to quickly spread around the world which it then became a pandemic.
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Wash you hands constantly!
Wear your mask!
Stay 6 feet apart!
After many months of the world being on lockdown, things began to slowly open back up but with very strict guidelines.
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We strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated! Getting this vaccine will help keep you and those around you safe.
After almost a year of research, the Covid-19 vaccine was developed in December of 2020. Health professionals encouraged everyone to get the vaccine so that it would stop the spread of the virus and thing could possibly return back to normal again. Currently, 48.5% of people in the U.S are fully vaccinated and cases of Covid-19 have been dropping since the vaccine was released.