In 1984, the story starts off with 39 year old Winston Smith the protagonist who lives in Oceania, London. Winston works at the Ministry of Truth where he rewrites documents. Winston the begins to rebel against the Party by writing down his thoughts in a journal which is prohibited.
Winston experiences external conflict by deciding if he should obey the party or rebel against the party. He struggles with internal conflict by having trouble expressing his true emotions.
Throughout the story Winston has dreams of his mother and sister. Winston decided to slowly rebel against the party. He also becomes jealous of common as he strolled through the prole district. Winston see's Julia and fantasizes about killing her. Later, Julia passes Winston a note saying that she loved him.
Rising Action
What happened to my mom and sister?
Winston and Julia falls in love and spends a lot of time in the country. Winston rents out the second floor in Mr.Charrington shop because he believed that there was no telescreen. Later on, Winston and Julia were caught by a telescreen and found out that Mr.Charrington was the voice behind the telescreen and that he was also a thought police.
Winston gets arrested and is locked up in a cell with telescreens that is watching his every move. Winston starts believing that brotherhood will save him from all of the torture he is getting from O'Brien. He is then brought to a room with rats ready to eat him but he ends up surrendering Julia to O'Brien.
Falling Action
Winston becomes one of the drunken regulars at the Chestnut Tree Cafe after he told himself he would not become one. He also starts to stop trusting his thoughts. Winston feels joy whenever he sees Big Brother on the telescreen. Winston gives his life to Big Brother.