The Book of Saint Paul's amazing life!(events not in order)
1. Saint Paul was born in Tarsus (5 A.D.) and grew up in Jerusalem where he was brought up by Gamaliel.
Yo,yo,yo I'm baby Saint Paul also known as Saul.
2. During Paul's first missionary journey, he wrote letters to the Galatians.
3. Paul decided to preach to people and said that this was the mission that God had given him.
"I proclaim the word of God!"
4. Saint Paul was blinded be Jesus Christ and after he regained his vision , he proclaimed the divinity of Jesus Christ and dedicated his life to spreading the Christian message.
"Why persecutest thou me?"
5. Saint Paul taught that Jesus was a divine being, and that salvation could be achieved by faith alone. He taught that Christians are freed from sin through Jesus's death and resurrection
"All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being Justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is it Christ Jesus."
6. Saint Paul rejected the the Jewish customs and was arrested in Jerusalem and held in prison for two years.
7. Saint Paul appeals to the tribunal in Rome and ends up getting ship wrecked off Malta.
8. Paul wrote letters to Christian chruches in Colossus, Ephesus, Philippi and to the Christian Philemon (Acts of the Apostles)
9. Saint Paul wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews to encourage Jewish members of the Church to maintain their faith in Jesus Christ and not to return to their former ways
10. Paul went on two other missionary journeys. On the second one he wrote the letters 1&2 Thessalonians. On his third journey he wrote multiple letters and went on different missions (one to Ephesus) where he stayed there for three years.
Wooo no more house arrest !! Freedom babyy!
11. Released from house arrest in Rome and ends up extending his mission, writes 1 Timothy, and Titus. However, he is rearrested later on.
12. Saint Paul died in 62-64 ce. The exact details of his deathare uncertain but tradition holds that he was beheaded in Rome.