Remember: party tonight at Steve Mason’s house. Thank God is only ninety-minute drive from here.
David Levithan
A woke up in the body of Nathan, a good guy.
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He checked Justin's email and found out a part tonight. Also, saw that Nathan did all his homeworks for a Saturday morning.
Day 5999
I love this song.
Me too :)
He borrowed Nathan's parents' car to drive. His big mission is find his loved one, Rhiannon.
Every Day
Poor Nathan. He is going to wake up on the side of an interstate, an hour away from his home. I can only imagine how terrified he’ll be.
A needed to wait people arrived so they could enter in the party scattered. He saw Rhiannon and Justin arriving in the party.
A present's himself as gay so he could be more close to her (Rhiannon). They had a good time together.
The party is over by the neighbors and the cops. A give to Rhiannon a fake email so they can continue in contact. A needed to be home at midnight, but is almost 11:30 (still 1 hour from Nathan's home).