I went from being a snowflake to a water droplet again because ice melts and water flows into a river.
The flower pin is so cute!!
I see the water splash. Let's go!
I went from being in a river to underground because water is pulled by gravity and filters through the soil as recharge.
I see a yummy banana.
I will balance the banana on my head!
I stayed here because water stays underground.
I see water splashing on the other side. We need to head there. although it's a different color and for some reason I am being dragged into it. Ahhhh!
I was just at the river a little bit ago, though. I think I am back here because water filters into a river as discharge. But that cheater probably messed with the system. So maybe that's why i am back here.
Yo, you want to be friends?
Sure, Mr. Crab.
I knew that crab was off.
I'm going to eat you ,water droplet!
I better get to the water splash fast!!!
I think I ended up in Mr. Crab because animals drink water,so he drank me! OMG!!
He also stole all of my accessories! Ugh
Hold the banana tight, Mr. Crab!!!!!
I wonder why the final place is soil. I think we are at soil because water is excreted from the crab.
We're taking you away for cheating!
Audra won the race! She was so happy. The cheater got kicked out of the race and got last. Audra got to see her friends and go back to the normal water cycle.