Is you're mom gonna worried that your running away ?
Chapter 12.
Someone stole the blood !!
I took the blood to the hospital while you were asleep.
In Chapter 10, When Bud walks, he notices all the sounds of nature and thinks about what is happening out there. Along the side of the road, Bud walks and then ducks into bushes when cars pass by. But Bud stops going into the bushes because he gets tired of doing it every time.
In Chapter 11, Bud is a taking a big risk on accepting a ride from a stranger. The box in the front seat has not made bud feel any better. Lefty asks about Bud's mother being worried about his running away. Bud explains that she is dead and that he lives with his dad in Grand Rapids.
In Chapter 12, After breakfast, Bud and Lefty Lewis get in the car to head to Grand Rapids. Suddenly, Bud says that someone stole the box of blood, but Lefty Lewis tells Bud that while he was asleep, they dropped it off at the hospital. Bud starts the to think that's funny because usually he is a light sleeper.