Good morning my fellow workers, I called you because we need to select someone among us who will represent and defend our interest vis-a-vis management
Yeah! that's true
Dineo, He is actually a good speaker
The shop steward is elected
Dineo! we chose you to be our shop steward!! Dineo! Dineo! Dineo!
It is an honour, thank you so much!
Dineo speak with Mr Msomi
Hello Dineo! How is being a shop steward treating you?
The mine workers are gathering to talk about who they will choose to represent them. The election of the Shop steward is determined by the union's constitution.
At the training
Welcome to the shop steward training, today I'm here to teach you about your roles and rights
The employees are happy to have chosen Dineo as their representative, as an elected shop steward, he plays a pivotal role in the union organisation . He his the main link between the members and management and represent employees.
To the Hallway
Now we have a representative , we are hoping the management will take take our request in consideration
Dineo meets with the trade union organiser Mr Msomi, who congratulated him for his new functions and encouraged Dineo to be part of the shop steward training
In the office
We have really the impression that the management don’t take in consideration our request, we want 15% in our salaries
I will go to management with your list of demand
Dineo attends to the shop steward training given by a member of the Trade Union. He remind them their responsibilities as shop steward , their roles and rights.
In this scene, the mine workers are talking among them about the condition of employment, their are expecting their new representative
Employees are telling to the shop steward their demands to the management.