We did our short answer test prep. Our first question was What are similarities and differnences between a discharge and a layoff?
A discharge ends employement due to inappropriate work behavior whereas a layoff is a temorary or permanent deduction in the number of emlpoyees due to changing business conditions
The second question wanted us to explain how economic cycles affect job opportunities
Econmic cycles causes new kobs to be created. When more workes are employed, they have more money to spend on good/services further exmanding the economy
On the other hand, if prices go upm consumbers decrease how muh they buy, intreset rates go up and businesses are less able to borrow money. All leading to jobs to get cut
Our third question wanted us to Name and descrivle the four broad categories of humn resources activities.
The activites are...1. Planning and Staffing2. Performance Management 3. Compensation/Benefits4. Employee Relations
The last question asked us what the differnece is between salary/ wages and benefits.
Salray/Wages are direct payment of money to employee of money to employees for workBenefits are compensation in forms other than direct payment (insurance, retirement plans