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Odysseus journey in the underworld

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Odysseus journey in the underworld
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  • Odysseus and his men set sail into the underworld to seek for answers to get back home, to Ithica.
  • Odysseus goes in, through the burning walls leaving his men, determined to find answers, to directions to go home. Immediately when he enters through the walls, gosts start to appear, and freaks him out.
  • Odysseus speaks with these dead people, asking for answers.
  • Hey do you guys happen to know where, Elpenor is?
  • “Odyesseus and his crew set out for the land of the dead. They arrive and find the place to which Circe has directed them” (Fitzgerald, 388).
  • To get any answers from Elpenor, you have to sacrifice a lamb.
  • “‘From every side they came and sought the pit with rustling cries; and I grew sick with fear'” (11. 15-16).
  • Odysseus being super eager adn determined to go home, sacrifices the lamb to get answers on to which how to get to Ithica.
  • “Odysseus also speaks with the spirits of many great ladies and men who died, as well as those who were being punished for their earthy sins” (Fitzgerald, 391).
  • On the way out from getting the information to get back home. Odysseus sees this particular woman, his mother.
  • “‘...I swore to sacrifice a black lamb… slash[ing] the land and ewe, letting their black blood stream into the wellpit’” (11.5-9).
  • To get some information, you have to sacrifice a lamb.
  • “‘How is this, Elpenor, how could you journey to the western gloom swiffer afoot than I in the black lugger?’” (11.30-31).
  • “‘ mother, daughter of Autolycus, dead now, though living still when I took ship for holy Troy. Seeing this gost I grieved, but held her off, through pang on pang of tears, till I should know the presence of Tiresias’” (11. 61-65).
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