after the doctor placed tha cast they were ready to leave, Cara was happy because her arm didn't hurt so badly but she was also kind of sad because she knew that her summer wasn't going to be as fun.
On the way home, Cara's mom noticed that she was feeling sad, so when they arrived she told Josh to help her cheer Cara up.
Josh saw Cara sitting on the stairs and decided to ask what was happening. Cara told him that she felt really sad because she was really excited to spend the ret of the summer together but that now it would be really boring because they couldn't play anything. Josh told her that they were going to have a lot of fun bev¿cause they could do other things like watch TV or play videogames.
Cara accepted and told Josh that she wasn't going to be sad anymore, they headed towards the living room to watch a movie and have fun.
Caras mom made some popcorn and accompanied the kids. Cara had fun through the rest of the summer, and some weeks after she went back to school her went back to noemal.