Sebastian: I am sorry, madam, I have hurt your kinsman,But, had it been the brother of my blood, I must have done no less with wit and safety. You throw a strange regard upon me, and by that I do perceive it hath offended you. Pardon me sweet one, evenfor the vows we madeeach other so late ago
Orsino: One face, one voice, one habit, two persons! A natural perspective that is and is not!
Sebastian: Antonio, O my dear Antonio!How have the hours racked and tortured me since I have lost thee!
Antonio: Sebastian are you?
Sebastian: Fear'st thou that, Antonio?
Antonio: How have you made division yourself? An apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creatures. Which is Sebastian?
Olivia: Most Wonderful!
Sebastian: Do I stand there? I never had a brother, Nor can there be that deity in my nature of here and Everywhere. I had a sister Whom the blind waves and surges have devoured. Of charity, what kin are you to me? What countryman, What name, What Percentage?
Viola:Of Messaline. Sebastian was my father. Such a Sebastian was my brother, too. So he went suited to his watery tomb. If spirits can assume form and suit. You come to fright us.
Sebastian: A spirit I am indeed, Which from the womb I did participate. Were you a woman, as the rest goes even, I should my tears let fall upon your cheek and say "Thrice welcome, drowned Viola"
Sebastian: And So had Mine!
Viola: My father had a mole upon his brow
Viola: And died the day when Viola from her birth had numbered 13 years ago
Sebastian: O, that record is lively in my soul! He finished indeed his mortal act. That day that made my sister thirteen years ago
Viola: If nothing lets to make us happy both But this my masculine usurped attire, Do not embrace me till each circumstance of Place, time, fortune, do cohere and jump That I am Viola: Which to confirm, Ill bring you to a captain in this town, Where lie my maiden weeds; by whose gentle help I was preserved this noble count. All the occurrence of my fortune since Hath been between this lady and the Lord.
Sebastian: So comes it, lady you have been mistook. But nature to her bias drew in that. You would have been contracted to a maid. Nor are you therein, by my life, decieved: You are betrothed both to a maid and man
Orsino: Be not amazed; right noble is his blood. If this be so, as yet the glass seems true, I shall have share in this most most happy wrack. Boy, thou hast said to me a thousand times Thou never shouldst love woman like me
Viola: And all those sayings will I overseer And all those swearings keep as true in soul as doth that orbed continent the fire that severs day from night
Orsino: Give me thy hand, And let me see thee in thy woman's weeds.
Viola: The captain that did bring me first on shore is now in durance at Malvolio's suit, a gentlemen and follower of my lady