Jacob loved his son Joseph more than any of his other children. Jacob gave Joseph a very special robe. His brothers were not impressed.
Joseph's Dream 2.0
One day Joseph told his father something bad his brothers did. His brothers hated him and did bad things to him.
Joseph's Dreams
Not cool, Jacob.
BUT...I know a thing or two about crazy dreams...
One night, Joseph had a dream that his brothers would bow down to him, like how people might bow down to a king. His brothers did not take that news well, and they hated him EVEN MORE.
Joseph had ANOTHER dream - this time, the sun and moon and 11 stars were bowing down to him! This would be like his parents and his 11 brothers worshipping him. Now his brothers were jealous.
When Joseph told his father about the dream, Jacob scolded him. But Jacob always remembered Joseph's dream.
Joseph's family was full of hatred and jealousy because of sin, and many people were hurt because of it. When we disobey God, we hurt other people.