This part is important because at this moment Clarrise made Montag question everyhing
Stop it! -Montag
This is important because Mldred OD'd and people have mental issues but it makes you question does millie have a problem?
Got to clean 'em out both ways,no use getting the stomach if you don't clean the blood. Leave that stuff in the blood and the blood hits the brain like a mullet MD 1
sure she'll be okay we got the mean stuff in our suitcase right here MD 2
He didn't cry because of the death he cried because of the thought of not crying a silly empty man near a silly empty women -Narrator
This scene is most important because Montag wouldn't cry if Mildred die
No no boy - Montag
This scene is important because the hound sniffs out books and growls at people with books which makes us thing Montag has some
Grrrr -Hound
my uncle said there use to be front porches -Montag
This is important because a hint of what the society is manipulating to stop people from questioning
Millie froze -Narrator
This scene is important because Montag reveals his books and Mildred is heavily scared
I'm sorry Millie but we're in this together -Montag