Rome was a populated and big city, with almost a million citizens living in the entire empire. Romans also made living by providing what people needed, like apparel, food, and entertainment. In conclusion, Romans lived lives as similar and ordinary as us.
Roman social hierarchy were separated into two classes, the Plebeians and the Patricians. Patricians were wealthy aristocrats and had many privileges, but Plebeians did not. There were slaves too, in which the Romans used for entertainment like gladiation.
I am a plebeian; we make most of Rome's population and we are common merchants, artisans, or farmers.
I am a patrician, we are the wealthy and rich aristocrats of Rome, and we almost have full power over anything.
Sadly, on 79 A.D Mount Vesuvius, a volcano nearby Pompeii erupted. The eruption has killed many Romans, but preserved remains of streets, art, shops, and houses. Scholars have use collected artifacts from the event to learn even more about the Roman civillization. In conclusion, Rome may have flawed traditions, but they were still as human as us.