Mario comes hunting with his friends and meets the gypsies, and they invite they to the palace
The love date
It can't be true!!!
To celebrate their wlcome, they throw a party.Goron wabts to dance with all the women.
The fight
Stop please!
Mario and Amapola are left alone and realize taht they both like each other, and decide to make a secret date so that Ivan (Amapola's fiance), doesn't find they.
The farewell
Enough of discussions, we return to our land!!
While Mario and Amapola are on the date, Ivan discovers them and he gets very angry
It's not what it seems
Mario and Ivan start a fight for love
I will kill you!!
But the soceress arrived on time and put on end to the fight. She decides to return to her land.But Mario wasn't sad at all, because he had fultilled the legend of the kiss, because during the date, Mario and Amapola had kissed.