I finally got my new fitness magazine! I can't wait to read it.
Page 15
Every woman wants a flat tummy. You can now get the fantastic Flat Tummy Tea and say goodbye to your belly fat. Buy now and get 15% off your first purchase. Drink this and you will get the perfect body shape. Just go to the website www.flattummytea.com and use the code PERFECT to get 15%.
Perfect Way to lose belly fat
15% OFF
Oh no! maybe I should get this product. I don't look like the model. It says that you get the perfect body.
Flat Tummy Tea
Flat TummyTEA
8 bags
Flat Tummy Tea Original
Curves your appetite so you eat less to get the perfect body
Total: $60.00
- 1 +
Reviews 75
Flat Tummy Tea
Flat TummyTEA
Did you find this review helpful?
DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT!! These are just glorified weight lose supplements. It only makes you lose water weight, making you severely dehydrated.
By Allison
Terrible Product
#1 review
Mmm... maybe this isn't the product for me. I don't like the reviews, especially the one about being dehydrated.