"He rushed out of the undergrowth and snatched up his spear. The pattering of pig's trotters died away in the distance. " pg. 49-50
"Been working for days now. And look!" p51
"All day I've been been working with Simon. No one else. They're off playing, or eating, or bathing" p51
In this scene it shows how he is obsessed with hunting and how he wont stop.
"But we want meat!"p55
"I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig,pig,pig! p55
In this scene it shows how they are tired of working and are really mad.
'Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled up the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands.' p57
In this scene it shows how the big kids and leaders are mad that they are working while everyone is playing around.
'Holding his breath he cocked a critical ear at the sounds of the island' p57
In this scene it shows the leader mad that all the other guy wants to do is hunt and nothing else.
In this scene it shows how simon helps the little kids pick the fruit they cant reach.
In this scene it shows simon enjoying the island view.