In the country of Panem, located in North America, the narrarator, and main character, lives with her mother, and younger sister. Katniss Everdeen, and her family are in District twelve, where they live in a poor, and rundown village.
When the reaping of The Hunger Games is taking place, Katniss´ little sister, Prim is called upon. Without hesitation, Katniss volunteers to take Prim´s place to compete in The Hunger Games, making her the first to ever volunteer, in her district. As Katniss reaches the stage, she recognizes a face from her own district, which is the beginning of hers and Peeta Mellark´s relationship.
After taking her younger sisters spot, Katniss and the other tributes continue their journey together to the capitol, where they will stay, and train, up until The Games.
¨I am pleased to present the victors of the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!¨
Katniss and Peeta continue to fight, and survive in the wilderness. They come in contact with creatures called ¨mutts¨ that are designed by the Gamemakers to fight off the lasting tributes. The ¨mutts¨ look like wolves, but stand on their hind legs, and represent each one of the dead tributes. They aren´t only to kill off the last tributes, but to also bring them closer to each other to create more action, for those watching the Games.
Katniss and Peeta each want each other to win, but realize only one is allowed. Katniss remembers the nightlock berries, and how extremely poisonous they are. Katniss and Peeta settle on the Nightlock berries, and plan to use them as an escape from there being a victor in this years´ Hunger Games.
On the count of three, Katniss and Peeta popped a few berries into their mouth at the same time, the Gamemakers spoke to them. Claudius Templesmith shouts out through the speakers, to announce they are the winners of the 74th Hunger Game.