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The Geography and Early Development of Rome

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The Geography and Early Development of Rome
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  • Location
  • Romulus and Remus
  • No Rem
  • Rome
  • Engineering 
  • Rome is located in Italy. Italy is a peninsula which is a body of land with water surrounding 3 sides. Italy also looks like it's shaped like a boot. It reaches into the Medatteranian sea while the toe of the boot points to the island of Sicily.
  • Sports
  • Romulus and Remus are twin brothers. Their mother was a princess and their father Mars, God of war. Their uncle ordered death and they were put in a basket and put into the Tiber River. A she-wolf found them and raised them. Later a couple found them and raised them. a while later they found their mother and built a city. They fought about what to call it and eventually Remus died in the fight and the city was called Rome.
  • Architecture
  • Romans used an idea from the Etruscan which made them better engineers. This idea was an underground irrigation system. An irrigation system is a way to water crops. This is also a cuniculus.
  • Art
  • Chariot racing is harsh. The driver was tied to the chariot. So if their chariot overturned they could get run over by other chariots or horses. So in the end they are severely hurt or may even be dead.
  • Romans used Greek designs on their buildings. Greeks also influenced the colosseum. A round structure where gladiators fought. Later the Ramans used concrete to make their buildings taller. For example the Pantheon in Rome.
  • Greece influenced a lot of the Romans' art so it's known as Greco-Roman art. Romans used Greeks art as a model for their art. They also borrowed art from Etruscan. Romans came very skillful at making lifelike portraits
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