Hi, my name is Demetrius! Anthropology seems boring and makes me want to CRY! But... Let's see if anthropological theory and methods can be helpful and, indeed, critical for making sense of today's complex world.
Wow! I'm beyond SHOCKED... Anthropology is not as boring as I thought it might be. Anthropology is the complex study of human development, culture, and change throughout the world, both past and present. Anthropology also grapples with moral and ethical elements of what it means to be human.
Chapter One Tasks Lists...1. Read Chapter 1, Take Notes 2. Review PowerPoint3. Watch Video: Anthropologists @ Work4: Complete Discussion 1: What is Anthropology
Subfields of Anthropology:1. Archaeology2. Biological Anthropology3. Cultural Anthropology4. Linguistic Anthropology
Demetrius, this will indeed be any exciting course! I look forward to learning the story of how we got to this moment in time, where we came from, and the rich diversity of the ways we can be human.
Hey Caroline, what did you think about our first unit in ANT2000? Honestly, I was shocked that I found it very INTRIGUING! Interestingly enough, I learned that Anthropology is not only the science of human beings, but also the art of asking questions, making connections, and trying new things.