Facts About The Indus People1:The two largest cities were Harappuh and Mohnjo-Daro.2:The Indus river begins in the Himilayas and ends in the Arabian Sea.
This is what you need to know about the Indus people.
Today we are learning about Early India
I heard that some people wanted to invade our kingdom too.
The Indus People Had Very Few Weapons.
The Dirty Water They Had Went Into The River.
The Indus eople civilization existed 5,000 years ago.
If only people know that our vilages were so tall because we have to build new houses over the old ones.
They used mud/clay tablets to write on.
Would somebody get these animals off my farm!!
The ndus's pets were monkeys, birds, dogs, lizards, and snakes.
They Used A Kiln To Make Mud Hard So They Can Use The Dried Mud Bricks For Building.
A quern was used to grid grain to make flour.
Facts About The Indus PeopleThey had 400 picture signs.The longest writing they had was 26 words/characters.
And thats all you have to know about the indus people.