I want to get a higher grade in math because I do not want my grade to be an 80.I want to make sure I understand the math.I can do this by practicing math at home and by making sure that I’m listening in school.I picked this goal because my math score isn’t as high as it should be and I can fix it.
To study more and to get higher test scores
I want to pay attention better in class because I do not I want to pay attention better in class because I don’t want a low conduct grade and I want to understand what the teacher is teaching us.I can do this bymaking sure that I am listening to the teacher and that I am doing my work.I picked this goal because if I pay attention better in class then I will understand the work and my grades will be higherI
To listen to my dad better
I want to make sure that all of my work is turned in on time because if my work is not then I will get points taken off and I will get a low grade.I can do this by checking all my assigned work or missing assignments and make sure that everything is done.I picked this goal because if all my assignments are turned in on time then I will not get any points off and I get a good grade.
To go to bed earlier
I want to get higher test scores and I want to study more because I do not want to get low grades on my tests and I want to make sure I understand the lessons.I can do this by studying when I finish my work early in school, or I can study at home after I do all my homework.I picked this goal because if I study then I will do good on tests and I will be happy with my test score.
I want to listen to my dad more because I do not like when he gets mad and yells.I want to be a good kid.I can do this by making sure I did all the things he asked me to do, and I can listen when he tells me things.I picked this goal because if I listen to my dad he won’t yell and he will be happy with me.
I want to go to bed earlier because if I do I won’t be tired in the morning when I have to go to school.I do not want to be tired for the rest of the day.I can do this by making sure I go to bed at 8:30 to 9:00 and I can also make sure I do this by setting an alarm when I should get ready for bed.I picked this because if I go to bed late then I will be tired in the morning and I won’t have energy.