Last semester I had a C in geometry. I now feel that I have improved and I am very determined to get at minimum a B. In order to do this I will remember to go over all of my notes and take very good notes. I will make sure I focus in class and do practice problems.
Last semester I had an F in physics. In the past I have had a difficult time understanding the material and getting distracted. I have been practicing techniques to focus more in his class and I have been working with my peers to become a better student and be more successful in Mr.Overs class.
Physical Education
Last semester I had Library I completed the semester with a B. In order to continue doing good I will continue participating, taking notes, and paying attention to be successful.
My grade last semester was an A. To succeed in the class I'm going to try my best when doing assignments and asking for help when needed. I will also work on turning in my assignments on time.
Last semester I took a weightlifting class and this semester I am doing tennis. My teachers grade us on participation so I will continue participating and trying my best during class to succeed.
Last semester my grade in avid was an A. In order to keep it like that I will continue doing good on my binder check, keep focusing on tutorials and any class work given. I will also complete my assignments on time and do my very best on them.