No, no, Abby, that’s done with. Put it out of mind.
Abigail still wants John Proctor but he is not reciprocating the affection. John Proctor have had previous relations that Proctor does not want people to know about. Proctor has a wife that he does not want getting upset at him again. She does not even know that he is in Salem right now. Proctor had promised her he would not go back to Salem. This scene shows us how much Abigail is in love with Proctor but the barriers keeping them apart being so prevalent.
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Aye, sir, and Goody Osburn...
Sarah Good!
I knew it! Goody Osburn were midwife to me three times.My babies always shriveled in her hands...
I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howewith the Devil!
My Betty not goin’ die . . .
The marshal, I‘ll call the marshal!
Glory to God!—it is broken, they are free!
Betty was pretending to sleep as the others in the room are talking about or being talked to about dancing in the forest and being a witch. Hale is know to be an expert in this line of work and he is the one the others had brought to see if these girls are really witches. While they of course are not really witches they realize that they can take advantage of him and the other adults and say who the other witches are to get them hung if they do not like them. This really shows the dynamic of how people feared and delt with which's. It shows the true nature of people, and the power that fear has.
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Out of here!
My Betty be hearty soon?
Uncle? Susanna Wallcott’s here from Dr. Griggs.
PARRIS: Out of my sight! Out of my – (He is overcome with sobs.He goes to the bed and gently takes Betty’s hands.) Betty. Child.Dear child. Will you wake, will you open up your eyes? Betty,little one . . .
This scene is when Reverend Parris is by his daughters bedside hoping she is not a puppet of the devil. Tituba is also in the room hoping that Betty is okay. Abigail enters the room to tell Parris that the Dr is here. This shows us that everyone in the room is worried about Betty even though it is for different reasons. Parris believes it is the devil while Tituba knows it is not but does not know why Betty is hurt, This is important to the story because it shows us that Parris is extremely deep into the thought of Betty being a witch.