Hey Noah you see that kid over there with the ugly orange hair let's bully him and stop him from using the washroom its going to be hilarious...
Sure Liam lets have some fun but if we get in trouble its on you...
Exactly so you can pee your pants for all we care!
Oh no austin is getting bullyed by two grade 8's and im too afraid to help
hh-e-l-oo my n-ame is a-us-tin!wh-at is y-our n-ame?
Mr.Thompson I need to tell you something.. While I was walking in the hall way I seen two grade 8 boys bullying Austin. I believe there names are Noah and Liam and they were trying to stop Austin from using the washroom. That is all I know cause I came staright to you!
What's your name ugly redheaded looking boy?!
-and were going stop you from using the washroom cause we got nothing better to do!
Well.. a-us-tin my name is Liam and that's Noah-
C-an y-ou pl-ea-se mo-ve i ne-ed to use t-he w-ash-ro-om
Can you not hear like hellooo we said we are not moving!
I want to help austin but i dont know how maybe i can go tell Mr.Thompson our guidance counsellor he'll help...
Oh no Noah and Liam are the two grade 8 boys that have been causing trouble we will go check it out right now and thank you for telling me brian..