Once upon a time a group of teens went to an infamous haunted house. The house had incessant noises and everyone was wondering what it was, they all went upstairs and found this redundant that read "DO NOT ENTER" multiple times. While three of them are on their way upstairs to go see it, two others squander their time there and ignore everything going on.
Later on the two people that were apart from the group deterred and said this to each other if this haunted house is laudable, they both knew it wasn't and they both laughed together. Now the group that went on to explore the haunted house had a similar conversation with each other talking about the two that left them in the house split up and how they all see how guile they were. One of them talked about how they were also filled with complacency. The provocative two laughed about how they left the rest of the group in the house. The signs of danger that the house had augmented in front of them. At the end no one really know what happened to the three.