This Story begins with Odysseus, who has been wandering for ten years on the seas, to find his way home, to his family on Ithaca. Leaving the city of Troy , after a war that last a long time, the Greek ships, are scattered by the gods, in punishment for the abusive behavior of certain soldiers of the Greek army who profaned the sacred temples, of the city of troy before leaving.
Across the bay from the Land of the cyclopes, is a lush, deserted, island. Odysseus and his crew land on the island in a dense fog and spend day feasting on wine and wild goats and observing the mainland where the cyclops live. On the third day, Odysseus and his company of men set out to learn if the cyclopes are friends or foes.
The stake and the blood
On finding the large cave, Odysseus and his men entered the cave where they helped themselves to food and drink they found there, and fell asleep. After a time, a prodigious man slept in this cave alone and took his flocks to graze afield,, remote from all companions, knowing none but savage ways, a brute so huge. He seemed no man at all of those who eat good wheaten bread, but he seemed rather a shaggy mountain reared in solitude.
My name is ODYSSEUS!
The next morning, the Cyclops grabbed two more men, smashed their heads against the rocks, and ate them for his breakfast. Odysseus had to find a way out of there, but a big rock blocked the exit. Since only Polyphemus the Cyclops was strong enough to move the stone away, Odysseus devised a plan. He got a goatskin full of that sweet liquor that Euanthes son, Maron, had given him.
While the cyclops was speaking, Odysseus offered him wine. Thanking Odysseus, cyclops never drunk wine before, drank his fill, and became very drunk. Then, asked Odysseus his name, and He replied; My name is NOBODY, family, friends, everyone calls me NOBODY. Whispered the giant replied: NOBODY IS MY MEAT, others first, then him. While the giant fell asleep under the the influence of alcohol, Odysseus and his men hurried to drive the stake they have cut into the eye of the Cyclops.
Early the next morning,Odysseus tied each of his men to the belly of one of the giant sheep. When Polyphemus awoke and led the sheep out of a cave, he felt the back of each sheep to make sure no on was on them. Feeling nothing Polyphemus allowed each sheep to pass out the cave. Odysseus and his men ran back to their ship. While the boat going away, Odysseus cried to Cyclops:If ever mortal inquire how did your eye punctured , Tell him Odysseus raiders of cities.