Seiton means (Set in order) A system for arranging the required work materials is introduced. Required tools and materials are arranged so that they can be accessed quickly and easily. The frequency of use as well as the order of use of the materials is taken into account.
Seiri means Eliminate whatever is not needed by separating needed tools, parts, and instructions from unneeded materials.
The 5S are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke.
What do they mean?
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Seiso” (清楚) is a Japanese adjective that means “clean” and “tidy.” It was co-opted by the Virtual YouTuber (VTuber) community to mean “wholesome” or “pure.” Seiso is used as a label for wholesome VTubers, though it's always used to meme about VTubers who are definitely not pure or wholesome.
The last one is shitsuke means It means "sustain" or "sustained discipline". It is a Japanese word that carries a wealth of cultural meaning: Discipline and training imposed upon a person: Children are taught by their parents to brush their teeth after every meal.
Seiketsu is the fourth step of the 5S method. It means "standardized cleanup". It derives from the one-time Seiso step which made the factory "shiny clean" and set the standard for cleanliness.
oh ok thankyou for telling and explaining it to me