maximilien robespierre had a powerful voice during the french revolution so much so that it got people killed this was know as the reign of terror any one who was suspected of betrayal was excuted
This reign of terror got so bad that people were to scared to even speak about it because if you were caught speaking about it you will be exucuted
shhhh don't say anything about it people can hear it and surely you'll have your chopped off in one quick cut
during the festival of the supereme being maximillen robespierre found himself as a god this did not stick well with the people of france
Eventually people fought back and maximum robespierre attempted to kill him self but he ended up shooting his lower jaw which didnt kill him he was kept alive long enough for him to be exucted
with such a powerful voice maximilien robespierre was slient the entrie time due to his jaw injury this was quite ironic becauase his voic killed many but now he coudnt speak
The reason this was so important is because maximilien robespierre had such a big impact on the french revolution and the fact that the very people fought with fought against him all because maximilien robespierre went crazy with power