This was important because trade aloowed them to use more reasources, And becasue the traders met new people, knoledge spread throguh the world.They also shred ideas.
Back in the Paleolithic Age, they traded VERY rarely.
In the Neolithic Age, people traded pretty frequently. They often traveled hundreds of miles in search of trade.
The early people often traded knife baldes, arrow heads, shell ornaments, and red ore. They also traded makeup to make themselves more beautiful.
Back in the Neolithic Age, the development of new jobs was pretty popular. Some of the jobs were tool making, farming, weaving, basket makers, and traders.
These changes are important because it inspired us to improve our skills and it also added a new variety to our lives. We had better ways on doing things and it led to trade.
Nowadays, we go to offices and stores to apply for jobs. We also go to interviews.
Some of our jobs also include: Teachers, Plumbers, electricians, Telemarketers, and Ubers.
Join us on our next adventure, THE EXPLORATION OF THE DINOSAURS!!!!!