When someone looses their job under circumstances that they cannot help, they turn to the Government for help, to get them through the hard time until they can find work again.
You are behind on your rent for 2 months now. YOU MUST PAY!
At the Job Centre people can apply for Universal credit if they have been out of a job for 2 years or unsuccessful in the work programme. Universal Credit replaces 6 existing benefits and makes a single payment every month into a person's own account.
It can take up to 5 weeks for claims go through. In this time with no income, people struggle to pay bills and feed their family. People with no access to internet or a home address or a bank account can find it even harder to claim universal credit as it demands that you must have all of these things. This leaves people waiting months without any money.
73% of tenants on universal credit have rent arrears and 62% landlords are no unwilling to rent property to those on universal credit and 28% of these landlords have evicted someone on universal credit in the last year.
With Universal Credit not providing adequate money for families many are unable to but basic necessities and feed themselves and their children. Since Universal credit has been introduced there has been a 52% increase in people attending food-bank in areas where universal credit has been inplemented.
Universal credit has lasting long term impact on the people that it affects the most. The five weeks where they don't receive money can set them back for months and months. Universal credit does not help people to afford basic necessities.