hello pablo how are you taking advantage of our reunion I'm going to tell you the story of my beautiful city GUAYAQUIL .
Thus, in August 1536 Hernando de Zaera took thepopulation to a place called Yagual, this was not thedefinitive one due to the sustainability of the natives, so in1537 the town was completely uninhabited
Sebastián de Benalcázar moved Santiago from Quito to Guayaquil,that was in 1535. Governed by Cacique Guayaquile, this settlementdid not last long because it was burned and destroyed by the nativesof that place.
Under the direction of his cousin Fransisco Pizarro, theysearched for a new location for the city of Santiago de Daule in1537, but they did not stay there because Fransisco Orellana hadto proceed to Cusco to support his cousin in his conflict withDiego Almagro.
The sixth village they established was in La Culta, the birthplaceof the Daule River and the Babahoyo Orellana River, afterFrancisco was tasked by Pizarro with pacifying the region andmoving Santiago.
Diego receives a letter from Pedro de Puelles from San Franciscode Quito after they were located there. Due to what the letterclaimed, Diego decided to move the city in order to protect themfrom the altercation between Pizarro and Almagro. On July 25,1547, Diego eventually drove the people back to Santa Ana Hill,which had been the city of Guayaquil's final settlement.
Francisco left the city under Diego de Urbina's command in 1542to go exploring with some other men and a group of locals, andafter some disputes and clashes with the natives, Diego decidedto move the city to Lominchao (Cerro Santa Ana).
Santiago de Quito began on August 15, 1534, the foundation wascarried out by Diego de Almagro under the orders of FranciscoPizarro, it was Diego de Almagro himself who ordered Sebastiánde Benalcazar to move the city to the coast in order to secure theposition and Ecuadorian coastal region
And so I finish telling you THE STORY of my beautiful city