Why don't you stretch out on the sofa, so's you can rest your handicap bag on the pillows honey bunch.
I don't mind it. I don't notice it any more. Its just apart of me
If there was just some way we could make a little hole in the bottom of the bag and just take out a few of them lead balls. Just a few.
Two years in prison and two thousand dollars fine for every ball I took out. I don't call that a bargain.
I f you could just take a few out when you came home from work. I mean you don't compete with anybody around here.
If I tried to get away with it "then other people'd get away with it-and pretty soonwe'd be right back to the dark ages again
with everybody competing against everybody else.You wouldn't like that, would you
"I'd hate it," Said Hazel,"There you are," Said George.
In his story "Harrison Burgeron," Kurt Vonnegut makes the point that our idea of equality is not always rational. He establishes this by the use of satire. This story displays how extreme government control is never a good thing