"I would like to call Angelina Vicario up to the stands"
"Angelina how would you describe Santiago when you first met him?'
"I would like to call Cristo Bedoya to the stands."
"You say that almost as if you never met him"
"Umm... well he seemed like a evil man"
"Enough questions."
"Almost as if that's out of character for him."
"In your report, it says you were really close with Santiago. How you describe this respectable man?'
"By his nature, Santiago Nasar was merry and peaceful, and openhearted."
"we will now do final statements"
"He would never do something like this."
"Besides, when he finally learned at the last moment that the Vicario brothers were waiting for him to kill him, his reaction was not one of panic, as has so often been said, but rather the bewilderment of innocence." "A man that did nothing wrong."
"Theses boy knew the stakes but it was only in defense of their sister. ""Pedro Vicario, according to his own declaration, was the one who made the decision to kill Santiago Nasar, and at first his brother only followed along." They don't deserve anything more than a slap on the wrist." He was already known for seducing women and took it too far."
"The Jury has came to a decision. In the case of the murder of Santiago Naser, the Vicario brothers are....."
1 Hour Later.......
"You will be held in jail till then. Santiago has done bad things in the past and suffered the consequences. Murder is still murder and will not go unpunished."