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  • Beowulf found a massive sword it was not an ordinary sword it was a giant sword blessed with their magic. It was go big and heavy that no ordinary men could pick it up
  • He as hurt and he sen a clean hit and he singed the sowrd with all his treath and cut through Grendels mom neck and her body fell. He seen grendels body sohe cuts his head and brings it back with him as a trophy and to show hrothgar and his people that he killed him.
  • After being honored by Hrothgar, Beowulf and his fellow Geats return home where he eventually becomes king. Beowulf rules Geatland for 50 years, when a dragon slays his kingdom, Beowulf now is an old man he is determined to slay the beast
  • Beowulf starts to fighting the dragon when he does his shield gets burnt from the fire the dragon shot out of his mouth and then Beowulf gets wounded and when his men saw their king struggle they all left but one which is Wiglaf
  • Beowulf and wiglaf defeated the daragon and then soon after Beowulf died bu then told Wiglaf and important message ( final words) that shocked Wiglaf
  • Wiglaf did what Beowulf told him in his final minutes at the time which was to become king and seal Beowulf in the tower where he killed the dragon and naming that tower "Beowulf's tower' and forever be remembered
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