Hola, Agustin Perez, como estas?Muy Bien, por favor
Asi que donde comienza la historia?
Bien y
En un pueblo que se llama yalamboch,al oeste del pais
Buen, y tu?
que Mal
¿Por qué querías venir a América?Quería una vida mejor para mis hijos y pensé que podríamos encontrar eso en Estados Unidos
I lived with 5 other people in a tiny room, our house had a tin roof and the floor was dirt we barely survived on tortillas and coffee
What was your living situation before you left for America?
That's terrible
What happened to Felipe?
When I decided to go north, Felipe wanted to come with me so that he could study and get a bike, our family agreed that he could go with me. We made the arduous journey across the border and got detained. Felipe got sick and died on Christmas eve.
thats awful im so sorry
Did the guerillas make you want to leave?
Yes, they slaughtered 350 people-men women, and children. I was only 11 years old
last questionHave you fled from your home before?Yes, our whole village fled to Mexico and we didn't return for 14 yearsoh no. thanks augustin, addioschao