The Younger family lives in a very small apartment in Chicago. Big Walter has recently died, and there is a $10,000 life insurance check due to arrive soon. Walter hopes to use it for a liquor store, Beneatha hopes to use it for medical school, and Mama wants to buy the house
Mama choses to use the money to buy the house. Walter feels like no one is listening to him about his dream for the liquor store and he gets depressed.
After Mama buys the house, and decides to give Walter the rest of he money to put aside for Beneatha and to invest in the liquor store. Then Karl Lindner, offers them a lot of money to stay out of the neighborhood. They refuse.
Bobo arrives at the apartment and tells Walter that Willy took all of the money they gave him for the liquor store plan and took off. Worse, Walter never put aside the $3,000 he was supposed to put into the bank for Beneatha’s medical schooling.
Walter decides to call Lindner and accept his offer in order to get back some of the money. the family disagree with him
Walter realizes that he cannot take the money, and tells Lindner to get lost. The Youngers leave the apartment, and Mama returns to grab her plant, which represents her dream of a happy, content family in a home they can call their own.