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Congresional violence

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Congresional violence
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By Rodrigo lopez

Storyboard Text

  • May 20 1856 at South Carolina city
  • Senator Butler has chosen a mistress. I mean harlot, slavery
  • May 21 1856 Brooks house
  • Yeah he said some very mean things about us.
  • May 22 1856 at a senate chamber
  • Yeah, I don"t care
  • I want you to apologize of what you said to Andrew
  • Here's senate Sumner who is offending the abolitionist and One of Brooks cousin who name is Andrew butler at a speech
  • May 22 1856 at senate chamber
  • Y'all seeing this?
  • Rep. Brooks of south Carolina after hearing the message he thought that Sumner went to far and decides to teach him a lesson
  • May 22 1856 at senate chamber
  • sumner wanted to duel Brooks but brooks was thought hes was a unworthy drunkard to fight against, but all brook wanted was for him to apologize
  • May 22 1856, still at senate chamber
  • My job is done here
  • Sumner disagrees and so Brooks decided to push him to the ground and beat him up Makeing him fall down and so Brooks flip over a bolted desk to get to him easier
  • He also decided to start hitting him with a hard iron cane to the so hard that Sumner is unconscious, the cane also breaks and he still keeps hitting him,
  • After he is done Beating up Sumner, he realize he has done his job, and decides to leave the senate chamber just leaving Sumner alone, Unconscious, also having Severe brain damage
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